Meet Your Doula
I am a stay-at-home and homeschooling mom to 6 beautiful and highly adventurous children. I saw my mother use a midwife with the birth of my youngest brother when I was 7, and I have been into natural health since I was 13. I always dreamed of having the absolute perfect births with my children because a beautiful hands off and physiological birth was my only experience with birth until I was in my upper teens. And even then my experience at that point was being one of several ladies supporting a family member at a birth center birth. However, my own births have been a large mix of ups and downs. I have personally experienced what it is like to be transferred from a birth center to a hospital for an early rupture of membranes. I have birthed with pitocin and an epidural, I have birthed in a birth center, I have birthed in my own home, and I have had two wildly different experiences with needing a cesarean. I quickly learned that even though it can be easy to feel like a doula is not needed with a cesarean they can be the difference between a successful breastfeeding journey and a mentally sound postpartum, or a struggle with breastfeeding and for me a very very rough postpartum mental health wise. Each of my births just increased my desire to support other moms with all the knowledge I gained from constantly researching through each pregnancy, and a place of understanding the emotional side that can come with the physical side of birth.
Another key piece that I learned along the way was the true benefit and blessing of having a doula who is also an intercessor. As a mom in labor it is hard to step in and intercede for yourself, and even your spouse can be torn between supporting you and praying. The beauty of having a doula who also intercedes for you is that there is someone who is able to hold space for you and can also lean in and pray with you and for you while you are in labor.
August 2022 – Certified Doula Through HERBAL
December 2022 – Completed 20 Hours of Hands On Emergency Training for Birth Work Through HERBAL
June 2024 – Took Train For Birth Doula Training With Krisha Crosley
Currently a Still Birthday Student
Currently Completing Placenta Encapsulation Certification Through The Nest Placenta Specialist Training
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